Editorial Policy

The Crave Bespoke Nutrition team of nutritionists, personal trainers, web professionals, medical reviewers and subject matter experts collaborate to ensure accurate, relevant and practical, actionable information to provide site visitors with access to the knowledge, experiences and services of joincrave.com

Content development process and criteria

All content is produced originally by the Crave Bespoke Nutrition team. We create original content that aligns to these principles:

1. Meet site visitors’ needs - we create and provide content to meet the needs of site visitors in the field of healthy nutrition, exercise, mindset for intentional lifestyle improvement, recipes for healthy cooking and lifestyle interventions to manage metabolic syndrome. The information presented is not designed to treat, diagnose or substitute medical services.

2. Meet Crave Bespoke Nutrition’s commitment to excellence. We strive to provide clear, easy to understand, up-to-date and scientifically and data-supported information that is relevant and actionable, as a commitment to our highest standards. We are transparent in disclosing the science behind our articles and content creation by disclosing documented references and citations.

Editorial team

Our editorial team consists of communication professionals who have academic training in creative writing, nutrition, exercise and coaching. We have a board of medical doctors reviewing the science behind our editorial content and all editors have at least 4 years of publishing experience.

Lifestyle editors dedicate time to work with healthcare providers, personal trainers, registered dietitians and nutritionists and all published content is reviewed by a board of healthcare providers. The editors of the website are not financially compensated by third parties in relation to any piece of content published on the website.

How we create content

Original content is produced following a standardized process for research, writing, editing, proofing and publishing.

Editorial research - the team agrees on the topic of a content piece, then the research team gathers best-available source studies and materials for the topic - evidence-based guidelines, published medical studies, statistics and other verifiable data.

Editorial style - The editorial team uses an inviting tone to present actionable information. Our reading levels range from eighth-grade to college. We create content for web-based information gathering.

Expert review - Our board of experts will review all pieces of content published on the website, to ensure the highest standards of quality and scientific accuracy. Our content is not designed to substitute medical information.

Healthy eating made more personal.

We use the transformative power of technology and empathic nutritional coaching to support your journey to better health, weight loss, self-care, and empowerment.